The Avenue
The Avenue
Public Space
Still owned by our partners at CKH Rentals and JAG Housing and managed by DBI, The Avenue welcomes both casual use -- sit, eat, talk, read, relax, etc. -- and scheduled events, such as painting classes, poetry readings, voter-registration drives, non-alcoholic office parties, etc. DBI does not charge for the use of The Avenue; we ask that all users respect the space, not make a mess, and clean up after themselves so that no one would know anything had ever taken place.
Events calendar on The Avenue (click here)
Scheduling an event
If you would like to hold an event in The Avenue, please visit the schedule here to avoid conflicts and then contact DBI board member Oren B. Helbok, executive director of The Exchange around the corner on Main Street, at Exchange@ExchangeArts.org or 570-317-2596; Oren can add your event to the calendar. The Avenue remains open as a pedestrian thoroughfare even during scheduled events, so please plan accordingly. (If you have more than a handful of trash, please take it with you; the trash can fills up fast enough just through regular use!)
The vision
create a space that would offer a place of beauty, inspiration, and function. To achieve that, the plan included spaces for art installations, planters with seasonal flowers and decorations, and a "living" wall of vines.

Art Installations
As part of the design of the Avenue, three panels were installed on the wall of the Hummel building. Each of the panels now contains artwork.
Mosaic Panel
This mosaic piece was conceptualized and installed by Deb and Dave Stabley - with a little help from friends!
Photography Contest
A photography contest open to the public was held in April 2024. Tonya Whilhelm won this year's contest with "True Colors". This annual contest is sponsored by Renaissance Jamboree.
Community Partner
The third panel is the creation of the Children's Museum. The panel invites you an adventure - explores space using augmented reality through the QR code found on the artwork. This unlocks a visual exploration of our galazy.
Planters and Living Wall
Four planters and four plant screens mark The Avenue. Local residents and students from Columbia Mountour Vo-Tech maintain them. Local Master Gardner Mike Jones (of Root 11) sourced and managed the planing of the vines which will climb the living wall.

Deb and Dave Stabley cut the ribbon on their mosaic creation
Children's Museum Executive Director, Ginny Weibel, cuts the ribbon on their contribution to The Avenue